A Bard’s Tale
Through D&D I’ve lived a thousand lifetimes, spun wild tales of glory and sorrow, and forged friendships stronger than Damascus steel.

Why yes, I did Multiclass.
The name is Kat the Bard and as of right now I’ve made over a hundred sets of dice by my own hands. It’s my dream to do this as my primary source of income but for now I juggle this shop with my fulltime job.
I enjoy the thrill of seeing my creations in the hands of passionate players, and even more so seeing my designs inspire other artists.
When not forging dice in the bedroom I’ve turned into a workshop (with my living room transformed into a studio style apartment) I’m devouring urban fantasy books, playing D&D with my favorite people, or consuming copious amounts of coffee.
Making dice changed my life. I will forever be humbled by the positive reception my creations have received.
At the Renaissance Pleasure Faire I decided to try cosplaying as my first D&D character, Nerissa Starling.
It started with a friendship. A couple of crazy best friends who met and bonded while playing our favorite tabletop RPG: Dungeons and Dragons.
Over the course of our first long campaign, we built up our selection of dice themed to our characters, with Hopps the Paladin making stellar bags to match. At one point, we asked ourselves, “Wouldn’t it be nice to make dice themed for our characters? We’d be able to choose exactly what we want and really bring our dice hoarding tendencies to the next level.”
Well, we followed through, and then decided we should share our idea with the world! With extensive research, practice, and overall passion for the craft and the goal behind it, Khöpper Dice was born.
Fueled by caffeine (extensive amounts of it), we turned that coffee high into dreams!
Recently because of new opportunities, Hopps the Paladin had to transition to multiclassing into Bard to provide inspiration to Kat’s endeavors. As of right now, Khöpper Dice is operated by Kat, with Hopps being an excellent supporting best friend.
We hope you enjoy the dice that are made with passion, attention to detail, and wild imagination.
May all your rolls be natural 20's.